Healthy Mediterranean Flatbreads to Satisfy Your Pizza Cravings


Who's up for a pizza night? These Mediterranean flatbreads will satisfy your hankering for pizza, minus all of the grease. Plus, they're ready in 20 minutes flat. (Here are eight more healthy pizza alternatives.) ...

The Best 20-Minute Bodyweight Workout for Weight Loss


Most quick cardio regimens for weight loss involve high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that leaves you gasping for air. And while they’re fantastic for conditioning and dropping fat, all that jumping around can take its toll on your joints and lead to muscle dysfunction and injury.     So, we’ve put together a workout that’ll get your heart pumping to ramp up your metabolism without stressing...

Quickest Ways to Lose Your Belly By Summer


The first day of summer is just weeks away. So if you're looking to tone your tummy to feel confident in your swimsuit, it sounds like you're looking for the quickest ways to lose belly fat. "Unfortunately, it's not possible to choose what part of the body you want to lose weight from. In other words, losing only belly fat...

Simple Ways to Eliminate Stomach Bloating


Either your jeans shrank or your belly grew, and chances are it's the latter. You're exercising and eating right, so what's up with the bloating? Sometimes the culprit is obvious (hello, hormones and last night's burrito!), but other times your healthy habits are the cause. ...

14 Low-Calorie Mistakes Making You Fat


You've nixed the sugar from your morning coffee, cut your lunchtime portion in half, and swapped your evening pasta for a hearty salad. But despite your efforts to cut back on calories, you're still not losing weight. Which has left you wondering: "What gives?!" "Calorie counting is not the only game in town when it comes to weight loss," Jennifer...

8 Best Fat-Burning Foods


Whether it's turning off fat genes, revving your metabolism and ability to burn fat, or helping you feel fuller longer and consume fewer calories, these foods have been proven to show an increased rate of fat loss. ...

American College of Sports Medicine partners with USA Weightlifting


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) today announced a new partnership with USA Weightlifting (USAW), the sole governing and coaching certification body for weightlifting in the United States. The agreement significantly expands the opportunities for professional growth of ACSM and USAW, their members and certified professionals in the health fitness industry. USA Weightlifting shares our commitment to provide top-notch...

New breakthrough offers hope for potential treatment of rare childhood epilepsy


Seizure disorders in babies are frightening and heartbreaking. A new basic science breakthrough offers hope for a potential treatment for rare developmental and epileptic encephalopathies resulting from a single genetic mutation. The gene in question, called SCN8A, controls a sodium channel that allows neurons to transmit an electric signal. When this gene is mutated, these channels can become hyperactive,...

6 Foods You Need to Eat to Get Enough Choline, an Essential Nutrient Most People Haven't Heard Of


Choosing the healthiest foods to make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals throughout the day can be tricky — and yet there's always new essential nutrients we need to look out for. Case in point: Choline, first recognized as a must-have dietary nutrient by the Institute of Medicine in 1998, which is neither a vitamin or mineral. The...

20 Food Combos that Triple Your Weight Loss


Uber cars, Seamless deliveries, the new season of Game of Thrones. Nowadays, we want everything faster. That goes for weight loss, too. So Eat This, Not That! researched the best fat-burning foods on the planet, and combined them to really rev up your weight-loss efforts. To see quicker results, and get the most out of mealtime, make sure you...