Patient satisfaction and quality of life similar across all appendicitis treatments


A new study published in the journal JAMA Surgery in February 2020 shows that patients with acute appendicitis that were successfully treated either by antibiotics or by appendectomy had identical satisfaction with their treatment and identical quality of life over the long term. The patients who were first treated conservatively and then had appendectomy had lower satisfaction rates. Appendicitis is...

This Is What a Nutritionist Really Thinks of 16:8 Fasting


Silicon Valley moguls, celebrities, and social media influencers alike prescribe to the 16:8 diet, a form of intermittent fasting also known as the 8-hour diet. Proponents claim that restricting mealtimes — you eat during an 8-hour window each day and fast the rest of the time — helps with everything from weight loss to lowering the risk of...

Should You Try The Isagenix Diet?


You've seen the Isagenix diet pop up on your Instagram and Facebook feeds, promoting weight loss and detoxification, but is it really worth the hype? We consulted Jim White, RD, ACSM Health Fitness Specialist, and owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios, to get the lowdown on this trendy plan. What is the Isagenix diet? The Isagenix diet features three...

FETO therapy produces favorable outcomes when fetal and maternal care are highly coordinated


Researchers from The Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy report new evidence that fetuses with severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), a rare but life-threatening, lung-damaging condition, experience a significantly high rate of success for the fetal treatment known as FETO, if they and their mothers receive coordinated and highly experienced care in the same expert setting. Image Credit: Getty Images A...

How to Clean Up Your Diet to Lose Weight


If you spend a lot of time planning your workouts but not much on your diet, it’s hard to know where to start. There’s an old saying in nutrition: Abs are made in the kitchen. It means that you can work out like a maniac, but you’re never going to outrun a subpar diet. It’s much harder to burn calories...

12 Diet 'Facts' That Are Actually False


He said, she said… we get it. Everyone has heard something different and now you and your friends are in uproar at the dinner table trying to sort through deceptive information. We feel your frustration; that's why we have compiled a list of common food myths so you know the final verdict, once and for all. And for more...

People Can't Get Over How Different Anna Duggar Looks


Anna Duggar just proved it's never too late to make resolutions to get healthier. The Counting On star previously revealed on her Instagram that while she had "used the 'busy mom' excuse" in the past, watching her friends and family make progress on their New Year's goals inspired her to make some changes of her ownThe 21-year-old TLC veteran...

Lose Weight in Time for Summer With One of These Top-Rated Fat Burners


Losing those last few pounds in time for shirts-off season is never easy. If you’re looking to boost your metabolism and get as trim as possible before summer, we found five top-rated fat-burners you should try before it’s too late. From keto-friendly products that help you reach and sustain ketosis fast to natural herbs like green tea, there’s something here...

I Tried the $20 Leggings Amazon Reviewers Are Obsessed With, and They're 100% Worth the Hype


I am a total legging snob. Some people will tell you Lululemons are overpriced and not worth dropping $100 for, but I will defend them to the end. I have been a loyal Lululemon shopper for several years, and each comfy pair I own has been washed hundreds of times and still manages to uphold shape, color, and performance....

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting Go Beyond Weight Loss, New Study Finds


While the benefits of intermittent fasting for weight loss are pretty well known, restricting your eating to set time periods can do much more than just trim your waistline. Intermittent fasting can also trigger a range of other benefits, including increased stress resistance, longer lifespan, and a lowered risk of obesity and cancer, according to a new study from...