In Tornado Alley, storms are even more dangerous for people with disabilities
John High has diabetes, which led to his leg being amputated below the knee two years ago. He has been using a wheelchair since then and hasn’t gotten used to having to work out solutions to everyday problems — such as getting into and out of the shower in the small rental house he shares with his son in...
McCormack Innovation signs significant supply agreement to the Yemen
McCormack Innovation, working alongside strategic partners including the University of Dundee to develop the world’s first soluble medical dressings that will dissolve in seconds when immersed in water, has signed a significant supply agreement to the Yemen. The agreement will see hundreds of thousands of units of soluble medical organisational tape supplied to the country, with the focus of the...
9 Moves to Tone Your Whole Body, From Jillian Michaels
Break free of your workout rut with these go-to exercises by Jillian Michaels, Good Housekeeping's on-call trainer. You just need a mat and some hand weights to start building up muscle and sculpting your core. Arms: Modified Crescent Low Row What it works: biceps, legs, abs, and back1. Hold a 3- to 15-pound dumbbell in each hand, palms facing...
The Elliptical vs. the Treadmill: Which Is Better for You?
Ever notice that cardio has a certain sound to it? Walk into any big box gym and you'll probably hear the huffs and puffs of heavy breathing, the whirring and purring of cardio machines — lots of cardio machines. We're talking: treadmills, ellipticals, stair machines, rowers, and potentially others. Today, there are so many options for stationary aerobic training,...
UTHealth physician-scientist receives AHA’s $1 million Merit Award for stroke research
Louise D. McCullough, MD, PhD, a physician-scientist at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) is a recipient of the American Heart Association's (AHA) prestigious $1 million Merit Award to investigate whether the maternal microbiome influences stroke risk in offspring. Only two awards are presented annually, and they are given to exceptional scientists whose novel approach to...
Jennifer Lopez's Shirtless Selfie Has the Internet Going Nuts
Jennifer Lopez is definitely aging backwards. The 48-year-old just posted this smoking selfie on her Instagram: The purpose of the post was to praise her cute new leggings from Niyama Sol. But really, all we could think about was how great J.Lo's abs look in her high-rise leggings and sports bra. Of course, those abs didn't just happen overnight. In...
You Should Always Be Drinking Orange Juice With Pulp
When I was a kid, my mom would set a small glass of orange juice on the table every morning (it came from a frozen concentrate back then, and the taste was best described as a tangy, watery slush). Even if I was late for school and didn’t have time for a bowl of cereal or a piece of...
The Nutrition Plan to Lose the Last Few Pounds
People who are trying to lose weight often confront the same problem: They lose enough weight to get close to their goals, and then their progress totally stalls. They wind up stonewalled, five pounds short of their ideal body weight. The solution: A strong weight-loss program. As in many pursuits, it takes a lot of dedication and focus to lose...
How You Can Burn More Calories Just By Chewing Gum
Chewing gum while walking may help you torch more calories, according to research from Tokyo’s Waseda University. And, as far as we’re concerned, that’s gotta be the easiest way to burn fat fast. In the study, published in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, researchers recruited 50 participants in their 20s to 60s—including five male and five female participants per 10-year age group. The...
60-Second Weight Loss Tips Celebs Swear By
Sure, they've got personal trainers, chefs, and a glam squad that keeps them looking their best. But even these A-list celebrities use fast and simple weight loss tricks to help them maintain their envy-worthy shape. Don't believe it? To prove it's possible we've compiled the very best celeb weight loss tips out there—none of which take more than 60 seconds...