How This 46-Year-Old Mom Lost 60 Pounds and Kept the Weight Off for 10+ Years


Natalie Jill will never forget something she saw nearly 10 years ago that prompted a giant realization: her own reflection in a store window. Hit with multiple life stressors that yera —job loss, a divorce, and pregnancy —Jill had sunk into a depression and, like many of us, turned to food for comfort. “I ate lots of fast food...

6 Weird Therapies Olympic Athletes Use to Beat Pain and Boost Their Performance


From their record-shattering athletic accomplishments to their crazy-toned bodies, everything about Olympians seems superhuman — especially when you realize that you probably couldn't get off the couch and walk to the kitchen (for more popcorn, duh) in the time it takes Usain Bolt to run 100 meters. (9.81 seconds — ready, set, GO!) But the talented athletes are, by all...

15 Superfoods That Can Make You Fat


Like Katniss and Finnick from The Hunger Games, certain superfoods are better described as weight loss frenemies than allies. Yes, that's right, some seemingly innocent eats can cause you to pack on the pounds—despite the fact that they're overflowing with disease-fighting nutrients. There are a few reasons this happens. Superfoods aren't free of calories (yet many of us eat them...

3 Stationary Bike Tricks Every Gym-Goer Should Know


Going to cycling class doesn't have to be scary. Whether you're a seasoned rider or about to make your spinning debut, setting up your bike properly is crucial so you can avoid injury and fully enjoy the experience. Jen Tallman, cycling instructor at New York Sports Club, will have you perfectly fitted on your bike in three easy-to-follow steps. ...

15 Easy Ways to Reset Your Diet


Whatever your R&R of choice—whether it was a week in the tropics or a holiday weekend at the shore—when you think of a vacation, there are many things you do want: to catch up on sleep, read a new book, spend time with your friends and family, and enjoy the outdoors. A bloated belly is not one of the...

How This Woman Transformed Her Butt Without Doing a Single Squat


Destiny Stephens, 21, wasn't born with a butt that makes you wonder whether gravity is real. She didn't even set out to sculpt her backside when she began working out a little more than five years ago. Rather, the Ontario, Canada-based woman hit the gym in an attempt to combat her anxiety and depression. Getting started wasn't easy: Although...

BPI Sports Names Walt Freese as New President & Chief Executive Officer


BPI Sports, the fastest growing sports nutrition company worldwide, has added Walt Freese, a proven consumer products executive, with 35 years of brand building experience, as its new President & Chief Executive Officer. As the former CEO of Stonyfield Farms, Ben & Jerry's, and Celestial Seasonings, Mr. Freese has accumulated a long track record of building iconic brands while...

30 Worst Vacation Habits for Your Waistline


Vacations are a much-needed, well-deserved break from life at work and home. And while it might feel like a time to treat yourself, the free-spirited high can come crashing down when you realize your R&R is taking a major toll on your waistline. Giving your diet and exercise routine a break when you go bon voyage can mean that...

50 Tips from Celebs Who Lost Over 30 Pounds


Losing five or 10 pounds doesn't seem too hard, but when you're aiming for a 30, 40 or even greater, weight loss can get challenging. You may argue that celebrities have all the resources at their fingertips—and that's certainly true—but they still have to put in the work to lose weight the same as you. So why not borrow...

5 Simple Mindfulness Tricks to Eat Less


Choosing what foods go on your plate isn't any more important than how you eat them. In fact, focusing on the food in front of you and avoiding distractions—aka eating mindfully—is a growing trend that can help you lose weight without much effort. And this life hack is definitely gaining traction: 49 percent of RDs say that consumers will choose...