Walking may seem simple, but it sure can do a lot of great things for your body. In fact, walking is a ridiculously good workout. It not only burns calories and increases circulation, but it’s also a great way to prevent chronic diseases and improve your heart health.

Walking an extra 2,000 steps per day up to 10,000 steps was associated with a 10% lower risk for a cardiovascular event rate, according to a 2019 paper released by the American College of Sports Medicine.

Work your way up to at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services advises. Here’s the calorie breakdown based on both your weight and what kind of strutting you’re doing:

If You Weigh Between 120-140 Pounds

Walking at a Moderate Pace (3 mph)

  • 15 minutes: 50 calories
  • 30 minutes: 100 calories
  • 1 hour: 200 calories

    Walking at a Fast Pace (4-5 mph)

    • 15 minutes: 95 calories
    • 30 minutes: 185 calories
    • 1 hour: 370 calories

      Walking Uphill (3.5 mph)

      • 15 minutes: 90 calories
      • 30 minutes: 180 calories
      • 1 hour: 355 calories

        Walking Up Stairs (3 mph)

        • 15 minutes: 120 calories
        • 30 minutes: 240 calories
        • 1 hour: 275 calories

          Walking Downhill (2.5 mph)

          • 15 minutes: 40 calories
          • 30 minutes: 85 calories
          • 1 hour: 165 calories

            If You Weigh Between 140-160 Pounds

            Walking at a Moderate Pace (3 mph)

            • 15 minutes: 60 calories
            • 30 minutes: 112 calories
            • 1 hour: 225 calories

              Walking at a Fast Pace (4-5 mph)

              • 15 minutes: 100 calories
              • 30 minutes: 214 calories
              • 1 hour: 430 calories

                Walking Uphill (3.5 mph)

                • 15 minutes: 102 calories
                • 30 minutes: 204 calories
                • 1 hour: 408 calories

                  Walking Up Stairs (3 mph)

                  • 15 minutes: 130 calories
                  • 30 minutes: 275 calories
                  • 1 hour: 545 calories

                    Walking Downhill (2.5 mph)

                    • 15 minutes: 50 calories
                    • 30 minutes: 95 calories
                    • 1 hour: 190 calories

                      If You Weigh Between 160-180 Pounds

                      Walking at a Moderate Pace (3 mph)

                      • 15 minutes: 65 calories
                      • 30 minutes: 127 calories
                      • 1 hour: 255 calories

                        Walking at a Fast Pace (4-5 mph)

                        • 15 minutes: 120 calories
                        • 30 minutes: 245 calories
                        • 1 hour: 485 calories

                          Walking Uphill (3.5 mph)

                          • 15 minutes: 115 calories
                          • 30 minutes: 230 calories
                          • 1 hour: 465 calories

                            Walking Up Stairs (3 mph)

                            • 15 minutes: 155 calories
                            • 30 minutes: 310 calories
                            • 1 hour: 620 calories

                              Walking Downhill (2.5 mph)

                              • 15 minutes: 54 calories
                              • 30 minutes: 110 calories
                              • 1 hour: 215 calories

                                How to Take Your Walk Up a Notch

                                Want to really feel the burn on your next walk? Here are some easy ways to add a little oomph to your step.

                                1. Add some weights.

                                Whether they’re on your ankles or in your hands, adding weight to your walk can help you drop pounds. (And see some definition in your arms!)

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                                2. Mix in intervals, hills, and stairs.

                                If you’re bored with your pace, switch things up by adding intervals. For instance, alternate one minute of fast walking with two minutes of moderately paced walking. If you really want to sweat, add some hills and stairs into your routine, too. Let’s just say your walk won’t be boring anymore.

                                3. Challenge yourself.

                                Have a fitness tracker? Each time you go on a walk, try beating the number of steps you had previously. You’ll be setting records in no time.

                                4. Give yourself an arm and booty break.

                                Okay, it’s not much of a break. But if you want to see full-body results, take a breather halfway through your workout to do some squats, lunges, planks, and push-ups.

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