A taste of a friend’s dessert. A handful of candy on a coworker’s desk. Those extra nibbles really add up—and can stall your weight loss efforts.

But don’t panic and head back to the gym for a double session. There are plenty of easy (and fun!) ways to blast away the extra calories without breaking a sweat or putting on your workout gear. Below are some of the easiest ways to burn off 100 calories—fast! All the information has been calculated for a 175-pound person. If you weigh more, you’ll burn calories at a more rapid pace.


Clean Your House

Dig out the broom and mop and get to it! Not only will 25 minutes of cleaning burn off 100 calories, it will leave you with a spick and span home..

And speaking of calories, be sure to steer clear of these 8 Restaurant Meals with More Than a Day’s Calories.


Go Window Shopping

Checking out the latest fashions and gadgets at the mall will fry 100 calories in a mere 33 minutes! For more bloat-banishing tips, check out these 33 Lazy Ways to Flatten Your Belly—Fast.


Have Sex

Getting busy between the sheets for 50 minutes will burn off 100 calories. Not sure you can go that long? Add these 8 Foods That Increase Sexual Stamina to your weekly diet.


Knit a Sweater

Stay warm and stay slim this winter by weaving a one-of-a-kind sweater. Just 50 minutes with your knitting needles and yarn will incinerate 100 calories.


Sing On Your Commute Home

Turn up the radio and sing along to your favorite tunes. If you spend 40 minutes belting it out, you’ll burn off about 100 calories. For more surprising ways to burn calories, check out these 25 Most Overlooked Ways to Lose Weight.


Get Cookin’

Typically order in? Don’t. Spend 30 minutes cooking and you’ll burn 100 calories. Now that’s a diet dinner!


Go Bowling

So long as you steer clear of the concession stand, a round of bowling (which lasts about 25 minutes) will kick 100 calories to the curb.

For more easy ways to lean out, check out these 8 Hacks to Flatten Your Belly Without Diet or Exercise


Read a Good Book

Who knew that diving into a good read could scorch calories? 100 calories, gone, in 75 minutes!


Have a Dance Party

Whether you bust a move in your living room or at the club, shaking your tail feather for just 17 minutes will burn off 100 calories. For more ways to burn off those extra nibbles, check out these 8 Best Workouts for Fat Loss and Burning Calories.


Hit the Slopes

Strap on your skis and head down the bunny hill. One 11-minute run is all it takes to burn off 100 calories.


Take a Lunchtime Stroll

Spend the first third of your lunch hour strolling around outside. It’s an easy way to squeeze in some daily exercise and works off about 100 calories.


Go Grocery Shopping

Spend 22 minutes shopping for these 16 Staples for a Flat Belly Kitchen to burn off a 100 calories.


Dig In the Dirt

Tending to your garden for 22 minutes is a great way to incinerate 100 calories while getting some fresh air.


Catch Up On Your Ironing

We know it’s ironing is an annoying chore, but setting aside time to catch up on all of your wrinkled clothing can benefit your waistline and your wardrobe. Sixty minutes is all it takes to blast away 100 calories.


Have a Walking Meeting

You and your co-workers can easily burn 100 calories in just 38 minutes by taking your meeting outside the conference room.


Go Mini Golfing

A 37 minute game of putt-putt will incinerate 100 calories.


Take a Weekend Hike

Take in the sights and sounds of nature all while burning off mega calories. Just 15 minutes into your hike, you’ll have burned off 100 calories—and most trips last far longer than that!


See a Comedy

There’s nothing more fun than laughing your way to slimmer waistline! An 80-minute flick with lots of jokes is enough to burn off 100 calories.


Play Darts

Spend 51 minutes at your favorite bar playing a fun game of darts with friends. So long as you steer clear of the booze, you’ll burn off 100 calories. And next time you indulge in some alcohol, stick with one of these 16 Wines For Weight Loss.

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